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    Thursday, December 29, 2016

    6 Greatest Woodworking Video Sites Online

    If you'd like to recommend a woodworking site or blog or have any comments  please send us details here. I hope you discover something new. It took me absolutely ages to put together, so if you enjoyed it I would hugely appreciate any tweets/stumbles/diggs.

    The Woodwisperer
    Woodworking Videos, Articles, View Projects and Shop Tours with Marc Spagnolo.

    The Woodwrights Shop
    PBS long running Woodwrites shop with Roy Underhill, showcasing hand tool skills, and interviews. Lots of episodes.

    Wood Treks
    “Wood Treks” are video journeys for woodworkers, wood artists, and collectors of fine wood crafts, art, and furniture.

    New Yankee Workshop
    The New Yankee Workshop on-line featuring Norm Abram.

    Lie Nielsen You Tube Channel
    Hand tool skill building videos from tool makers Lie Nielsen.

    Woodworking Channel
    A collection of woodworking videos from various sources, covering aspects hand and machine tool use as well as an interview with the Late Sam Maloof.
    For more information about 6 Greatest Woodworking Video Sites Online go to this article about 6 Greatest Woodworking Video Sites Online

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