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    Friday, December 30, 2016

    Woodworking Video- Woodtreks

    “Woodtreks” are video journeys for woodworkers, wood artists, and collectors of fine wood crafts, art, and furniture. Be inspired, learn how-to, and discover master artisans & their work."

    Keith Cruickshank's personal video blog Woodtreks, celebrating wood art & craft – and the people who make it happen.   The site covers many aspects of woodworking and woodworking techniques. I love the style and presentation. The quality of filming is just amazing.

    To give you some idea of the quality here is a short video clip  from You Tube, where keith tunes up a metal handplane, the quality of the images are much better on his site, so I have also  put some links at the bottom to his latest postings.


    On Designing & Building A Custom Workbench — Up Close: The Edwards Bench
    Hide (& Animal Protein) Glues: Background, Selection and How to Prepare
    Hammer Veneering: How To Apply Decorative Veneers Using Only Hand Tools

    For more information about Woodworking Video- Woodtreks go to this article about Woodworking Video- Woodtreks

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