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    Monday, January 2, 2017

    Woodworkers blogs: High Rock Woodworking

    Here is a great blog by Chris Adkins High Rock Woodworking, a third generation woodworker. Sharing experience and woodworking tips with the purpose of supporting three things that he loves: woodworking, writing, and education. Chris believes that it is important to pass on the knowledge so that traditions will be carried forward and passed from one generation to the next.

    The blog is very well written,  covering a wide range of woodworking topics, projects, tips and tool reviews as well as a podcast. The site gives many insights in to woodworking as well as providing lots of information and ideas for the hand tool wood worker. Well worth a look.

    Recent Posts:

    Making a set of wooden Green and Green inspired hand planes.

    A treadle driven planer!

    Construction of a wood gear clock.

    If you follow High Rock Woodworking or even if you visited it for the first time today, we would love to get your opinion in the comments below.

    For more information about Woodworkers blogs: High Rock Woodworking go to this article about Woodworkers blogs: High Rock Woodworking

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